My Improvisational Life

I’m making it all up as I go along.

88 years ago August 26, 2008

Filed under: Thoughts — Me @ 10:06 pm

August 26, 1920.

The 19th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

To quote Mary Poppins… Well done, sister suffragettes. The battle is not yet won, and those of us still fighting salute you, and thank you.


Lessons from a first day. August 25, 2008

Filed under: Thoughts — Me @ 7:00 pm

School started today.

I love my job. Some days I don’t particularly like it, but I love it. Some observations from today, in no particular order…
1. Every year I forget how tiring a day of school can be. This year I have 7th period planning, which means 6 classes in a row with only a twenty minute break for lunch, and I feel kind of like I have been hit by a truck. From the time I get to school until I get to stop for more than a few minutes is 6 hours of constant standing and teaching, which would not be so tiring, but that’s also six hours straight of thinking, thinking, thinking. I know there are other jobs that are harder, and I’ll get used to it again no problem, but it is always a little shock when you get home and sit down and it takes you a minute to be able to stand up again.

2. I don’t talk very much in the summer, or at home at all. Since I have been home I have taken two phone calls and maybe spoken 100 words. I never realize how much I don’t talk until I have to talktalktalktalktalktalk all day long.

3. I like quiet. In fact, I crave quiet, and I don’t do too well when it cannot be obtained. Fortunately there is a nice quiet storeroom across from my classroom I can go stand in during class changes if I want.

4. As much as I would like a little more summer break, I missed school.

5. I am actually really excited about the new class I am teaching. I was more than a little hesitant about it when they asked me last spring, but I really like the prospect of creating new stuff for it, and honors kids are a new world.

6. All the work God has done in my life over the past few months made a difference in everything today — how I reacted to things, how I spoke, how I interacted with kids, not to mention how I slept last night — and it was very encouraging. I never know if anything is real, and it was good to be tested.

7. Speaking of sleep, the sound machine (NOT Miami Sound Machine) I bought at Target last night might just be my Most Valuable Purchase of the school year.

8. My co-workers are really wonderful. I am so thankful for them.

9. When school starts, it feels like summer was a dream. When summer starts, it feels like school was a dream. I love this dichotomy in my life.

10. Planning what to wear ahead of time makes getting to school on time much easier.


I guess I’m it. August 11, 2008

Filed under: Randomness — Me @ 6:00 pm

I got tagged by Candy, so here we go..

The Nitty Gritty details:
It’s a random tag, and here are the rules!
1. Link to the person who ‘tagged’ you!   Check.
2. Post the rules on your blog!  In process.
3. List 6 random facts about yourself!  I like random.
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post!  My friends are gonna love this.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged by commenting on their blog!  Okey dokey.
6. Let the tagger know the entry is posted on your blog!  Hey Candy, I posted!

Okay, so six random facts…

1. I am a lot crunchier than anyone knows.   Par example, I have this weird swollen itchy thing going on in one of my eyes, so I asked my extra crunchy nurse friend if it was ok to put colloidal silver in my eye.  She said yes, but that the very best thing for eye problems was breastmilk if I could get it.  Given that I am living in baby land, I didn’t think that would be a problem. Thus, as I type, I may or may not have just put kindly donated breastmilk in my eye.

2. I have a serious music addiction.  If I hear a song I like, I will track it down like Sherlock Holmes on amphetamines, and more often than not I will buy the whole album.  The internet definitely makes this whole process much simpler, but I run out of hard drive space pretty fast.

3. I LOVE dance.  I love to watch it, I love to do it, I love to think about it.  I would love to learn to choreograph.  Usually if I am listening to music, whether that be in my car or in the dentist’s office or wherever, I can see dancing in my mind.  I really wish I had the ability and resources to make thos dances come to life.

4.  I am 32 and I have never really dated. I have also never smoked anything, never been drunk (although I will confess I was a little tipsy at a wedding about 3 years ago), and never been high on anything except art and exercise.  I do not regret any of those decisions even a little bit.

5.  As of today, I have six pairs of glasses and one pair of prescription sunglasses.

6. I am happier now than I have ever been before in my life.

-Tag 6 people:







I would really love to have tagged Lauren but she’s a loser without a blog.  Sad.


On not writing August 3, 2008

Filed under: Thoughts — Me @ 10:36 pm

I try really hard not to blog about blogging.  It’s all too meta for me, and really, who cares why I write or don’t write?  I have been absent for a long time, and it has not been just here.  I planned to write another one act this summer, and I haven’t.  I have started 2 or 3 short stories that died on the vine.  It’s been pretty frustrating, and I have not been able to figure out why I was so blocked.

Recently a friend sent me a short story to edit for him.  It was brilliant and heartbreaking and the grammar was bad, and as I sat reading I wept at the terrible beauty of it.  He asked me what I had written recently, and in writing him back I realized what was really going on.

As I told him:

God is performing some really miraculous healing in my life, and it’s been…it’s… beyond words.  So right now I don’t have any words, just worship, being poured and torn out of me like a great flood, gushing like water from fountains of the deep.  I think I will write again.  God is transforming me from a person I created to please the people around me to the person He created me to be, but that process is like putting gold in the furnace to melt away the impurities.  So I will create again, but right now I am being created.  It’s pretty much the most amazing thing you can imagine, times infinity.

Thank you Jesus for writers block.