My Improvisational Life

I’m making it all up as I go along.

About Comments April 11, 2008

I love comments. I love comments almost as much as I love beads, and that’s a LOT.

That said, there’s some stuff you should know if you plan to comment.

I moderate every comment. If your comment doesn’t appear for a while, it doesn’t mean I don’t like it, it means I have a busy life and a job and stuff.

There is a difference between someone who disagrees with me and a troll. I have lots of friends who disagree with me on key issues, and we still manage to love and support each other.

Par example…….
First, the person who disagrees like a reasonable person:
Me: Dude! Kittens are cute!
Disagree-er: No way! Puppies are way cuter! Kittens scratch. Me no likey the kittens.
Me: You have a point. They do scratch. But you don’t have to deal with pooping in the floor with kittens.
D: I still like puppies better! You shall never convert me!
Me: That’s cool. Wanna go check out some Doogie Howser at Hulu?
D:Sure! Awesome! Internet high five!

Now, for the troll:
Me: Dude! Kittens are cute!
Troll: No they aren’t! Puppies are! Anybody who thinks kittens are cute is stupid! Science has PROVEN beyond any doubt that people who like puppies are smarter, and better, and they get laid more, and nobody like people who like kittens. I can tell just from that opinion that you are an ugly, useless, talentless bitch and you will die alone. Kiiiiiiiilllllll the kiiiiiitttttttteeeeeennnnnnnssssss!
Me: Um, maybe you should consider decaf.

See the distinction?

Should you choose to troll, you better be good at it, because this is my website and I reserve the right to mock, ridicule, and argue down trolls as I see fit. If you choose to troll, and your comment makes it out for public consumption, prepare to have your ass handed to you. I’m a scientist, and I am sarcastic, way too smart, and one hell of a debater. Once I had a dispute over an ebay purchase with a New Jersey attorney, and not only did I win, he thought I was a lawyer too.


One Response to “About Comments”

  1. allohaphy Says:

    emm.. luv it ))

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