My Improvisational Life

I’m making it all up as I go along.

So Target hates fat people. Who knew? July 30, 2010

Filed under: Fat — Me @ 8:34 pm

I love many things. I love all kinds of music, and the way I feel when I bellydance, and looking at the sky floating on my back in a body of water. I love to laugh. I love my baby nephews and the awesome assorted tiny children that have been produced by my friends. I love Morris Kantor’s abstract work, and live theatre, and rain.

And until tonight, I loved Target.

I am singing in a wedding next weekend, and I felt the occasion deserved a new dress. So this evening, when I ventured to Target in pursuit of several necessities, I thought I would take a look to see if I could find anything I liked.

I did. It was adorable, and I could wear it to work, and it looked great on me. I was very excited. It was a little pricier than I liked, but it appeared to be totally worth it.

On my way to a different part of the store I passed through the “normal” size clothes, and saw the same dress hanging there. It is rare for Target to have the same item in straight and plus sizes at the same time, and now I know why. It’s a really good way for Target to disguise the fact that they discriminate against fat people.

See, the plus size dress I was going to buy was a full 50% more expensive than the straight size dress.

That’s FIFTY percent, in case you missed it.

I am fat, and I love clothes. These two factors, combined with my ability to, y’know, read, mean I know a little bit about the plus-size fashion industry. I know, for example, that clothing makers can’t just make straight size patterns bigger, plus size lines require their own fit models and pattern makers, and yes, plus size clothes require a bit more fabric. So a little markup, I understand. Ten percent. Even twenty. I wouldn’t like it, but it would make sense.

Fifty percent? That’s just price gouging. The sad thing is, they do it because they can.

I live in a smallish town. Outside the internet, there are maybe ten stores where plus size women can buy clothes. Even in larger cities, the options for plus-size shopping are far from abundant. So the fact that Target carries plus sizes at all is good. The fact that they are usually reasonably attractive and well made (for mass market clothing) is better. Being able to buy a t-shirt that fits me is kind of a big deal, something that straight size people don’t always understand.

I guess I should have seen it coming — after all, despite the fact that about 50% of women in the US wear plus sizes, the section in Target containing those clothes is about 1/6 the size of the so-called normal section. There are generally no plus sizes at all in lingerie or sleepwear. I should not be surprised at this. But I am, and a little sick too. I know Target is not perfect, but I have been pretty happy with what I have seen and read about them as a corporation — how they treat their employees, their customer service, their corporate policies. It makes me sad that Target has consumed the fat-hate kool-aid along with so many other, and instead of seeing an opportunity to fairly serve a huge market (no pun intended), they are taking advantage of their position as one of the few providers of decent plus-size clothes to screw over the members of said market.

So Target, it looks like it’s time to break up. I still love you, but you clearly don’t love me back. Call me if you ever decide to pull your head out of your ass, and maybe we can talk about getting back together.


6 Responses to “So Target hates fat people. Who knew?”

  1. susanna Says:

    I’m growling with you. Yes we do pay more for larger sizes on our event t-shirts but it is NOT 50% more. That’s ridiculous. Please send this to Target. Perhaps one of its humans will redeem it w/the reply and/or response in action.

  2. susanna Says:

    I’m not sure how my avatar above was generated but it’s pretty stinkin’ funny. (and it looks just like me!)

  3. eggplantinspace Says:

    Backing you up 150%. Good Blog

  4. Dea Britt Says:

    Try buying Tall sizes!! There’s not a store in Lynchburg that carries Women’s Tall sizes at ANY price!! It is discrimination..I’ve been mad about that for years!

  5. vesta44 Says:

    I quit shopping at Target a long time ago. They never carried anything that fit me, and our local Target has the plus sizes right next to maternity, what there is of them (I quit looking for them, my wheeled walker won’t fit in their aisles between the racks of clothes, forget about getting a mobility cart in there).
    I take that back, I can wear their slacks – well, I could if they carried them in talls (I’m 5′ 8″ but I have a 31″ inseam, average lengths are too short). I guess they think there are no tall, fat women (I have the same problem with every other store where I can find pants that fit my ass – they’re never long enough in the legs) so I end up buying online.
    They don’t want my clothing dollars, that’s fine. They won’t get any of my other shopping dollars either. I’m funny like that.

    • Julie Says:

      I just stumbled across this blog because I was searching for proof that I wasnt the only plus size woman feeling the hatred from Target. Obviously i am not. My experience isnt about the amount of money but about the amount of clothing available. When I went into the Target in Macon, GA I was excited to see what kind of clothing they would have for the plus size woman. I looked eagerly about for the area they would have them and when I spotted it I walked over excitedly. To my surprise 90% of the already small section they a lot us overweight people for clothes was taken up with clearance and not clearance of plus size clothing. I had to ask someone to point me in the direction of where they were hiding the plus size clothes. There was maybe 3 different types of shirts and 2 different types of pants literally hanging on the walls and that was it. I called the corporate number and complained but I doubt they will do anything.

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